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Those are just a few of the names that confront women who are fearless in expressing their sexuality and unapologetic about enjoying the performance of oral sex. Why are people still ashamed to discuss oral pleasure? For one, performing oral sex still holds a certain level of social stigma that causes many men and women to fear for their reputations. Unless you’re in a dimly lit erotica poetry reading or in the company of sexually open friends, it’s rare to hear men and women gushing over giving head. It’s far easier to feed the ego and brag about receiving it than to discuss the joy in giving something that’s purely for your partner’s delight. But with all the sex-negativity plaguing society-at-large, many partners are too ashamed of giving head to actually enjoy it or too self-conscious to openly admit that they take pleasure in performing oral sex. If done right, it can serve as a powerful precursor for sexual intercourse and set the mood for a reciprocal exchange of bliss. While giving doesn’t always lead to personal arousal, it should inspire the mental stimulation of knowing you’re guiding your partner to orgasm(s). It creates a bodily connection between two people, as taste buds and corporeal pleasure intersect through an act of selflessness. The performance of oral sex is an awakening of the senses.

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